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If you keep doing what you have always done, you will always look the way you look.
If you keep doing what you have always done, you will always feel the way you feel.
Doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result is about as silly as it gets.
If you want to look your best, you have to try something different.
If you want to feel better than you ever have, you have to be brave, take a chance, and make some sacrifices.
Today, I?d like to look at THE most common excuses I hear from folks who claim that they want to make a healthy change with their words? but rarely do the actions mirror those words.
Talk is cheap. Action is priceless.
?I Don?t Have the Time??
If you claim you ?don?t have the time? to make a healthy change but you DO have the time to watch TV or play Candy Crush? you need to reanalyze your priorities.
I?m certain you are a very busy person, so please know that I?m not judging you? but you need to remember something very important: to take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.
Maybe you don?t have the time to exercise for an hour per day, but who says you have to do that?
If you?re training smart, with full-body resistance training movements like I used in the Perfect Push-Up Challenge, you don?t have to work out for nearly?as long as you would with cardio alone to lose fat? full-body resistance training movements increase your metabolism for up to 72 hours after training, meaning they burn a LOT more total calories over time than cardio ever could (not to mention they?ll help you become super fit and strong!).?
If you don?t have the time to cook your meals every day, that is okay! You could have a weekly cook-off, where you prepare several days of meals all at once. Pick the least busy day of the week (Sunday for me), stock up on groceries, fix several days of meals in bulk, and store them in the fridge for later. All you have to do is *zap* it at meal-time and dig in! No excuses.
You could even check out the deli area of your local supermarket; they have reasonably priced food that is a LOT healthier than fast food!
?I Don?t Have the Money?
If you claim you ?don?t have the money? to invest in healthier food or a coach who can help you turn your dreams into reality? I challenge you to take a long, hard look at your checkbook and tell me where your money is going (Starbucks, pizza, booze, and movies are not as important as your health and wellness!).
If you spend $2 per day at Starbucks, that comes out to $60 per month. If you cut one restaurant meal per week, I bet you could raise that to $100/month.
It is merely a question of priorities. Would you rather spend your money making poor decisions that take you away from your goal of becoming happy, fit, and healthy? or would you rather invest that money in yourself, and use it to become the best version of yourself that you could possibly be?
Why I Wrote This
I say this, because the excuses I hear more than anything else are ?lack of time? or ?lack of funds,? and I can?t help questioning how valid these excuses are.
More often than not, I don?t think it?s a lack of time or funds, but rather a fear of change. I know taking that first step in the direction of a positive, new lifestyle is scary, but if you really want results, you just have to do it. I believe in you, so you better believe in yourself!
If you want to improve your body, health, and life?
If you want to be the best YOU that you can possibly be?
?.then you just gotta invest in yourself, and there is no way around it.
Take a long, hard look at how you spend your time and money, and ask yourself, ?do my actions mirror my claims that I want to become a better version of myself??
Talking about wanting to be fit and healthy will get you in between zero and zero results; your action has to reflect your words if you?re serious about changing your body and life.
Talk is cheap. Action is priceless.
Once upon a time, I made the very same excuses listed in this article, so please ?know that I understand where you?re coming from? change is NOT easy, and in fact IS quite scary. But as Albert Einstein said, the definition of insanity is ?doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.?
If you are an action-taker who is ready to take a positive step forward for your fitness, health, and happiness? I?d so love to help you become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.
My purpose is to help busy women like you lose fat with as little stress (and as much fun!)?as possible. I know getting started is the hardest part, and that?s okay; I can encourage you and guide you every step of the way.? Click here to apply for coaching!
I can?t wait to get to know you and help you reach your goals! And as always, if you have any questions at all, you?re more than welcome to drop them below in the comments.
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